Topics of Conversation

Here are a few topics of conversation to help you to get to know the other person better & have some fun as well; who knows where the conversation my lead!

one. Music

A nice topic of conversation is about what music styles the person you are speaking to likes. You can also ask in the event that they have a favourite musician or group or a favourite CD. You may find that you share musical tastes in common, which would be lovely & a conversation started in this way can basically progress to speaking about different clubs you have visited or concerts that you have been to. Perhaps it may lead to you asking the other person on a date to an upcoming gig.

two. Movies

three. Books

Movies are a great topic of conversation as  everyone has at least a few movies which they liked a lot & keep in mind well. They will associate these movies with happy times & so the mood of your conversation is more likely to be light & happy. Speak about your all-time favourite movies or actors & actresses or the flicks that you have seen recently. Discussing what movies you like will also show something of your persona & that of the person you are speaking to, so you can see more closely how compatible you are. Again, this might lead to a date or at least a fun & friendly time out at your local cinema.

These days, fewer people appear to read, but in case you would curl up with a nice book than stare at the silver screen, try asking what types of books the other person likes to read or whether they have read a book that appears to be all the anger at the moment.

four. Tv

five. Sports

For the large majority of people, watching tv is the pastime that they spend most time on. In fact, lots of adults spend more hours watching TV than they do doing anything else, including sleeping. Asking about TV programmes that a person watch is much guaranteed to lead to a conversation. Whether it is 'CSI', 'Desperate Housewives', 'Lost' or some other TV series, the chances are that you will find that you have some viewing pleasure in common.

So, armed with these topics of conversation, you ought to be able to feel confident speaking to someone on or offline informally. You will have something to open a conversation with on which the other person will feel comfortable about replying; from there, there's lots of follow-up questions which you can ask about all or any of these topics of conversation to keep the chat flowing.

You don't must be some great athlete to enjoy speaking about sports. Lots of people are avid armchair fans of some sport or other. Speaking about your favourite sport & the players lets you see in case you share team loyalties or possibly you both like shouting at the referee; either way it can be fun to chat about.

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